Monday, 14 January 2013

Beautiful locations in Wales

I've been working since before Christmas on a short film script for the Made in Wales series, and one of the criteria is that it includes locations around Wales, making the most of the natural beauty that the country has to offer. Although I've spent a little bit of time on the Welsh coast, I haven't seen all of it, so this was a good opportunity to do a bit of research.

After watching an episode of Coast which focused on Wales, I was inspired to take a look at St. Cwyfans church in the sea, near Aberffraw in Anglesey. It's a tiny little island with a church on top, and looks like a fantasy place.

I've set St Cwyfans as the location for my story, which is called Nos Da Saint Kevin (Kevin is the English version of Cwyfan). It's the story of two teenagers working through the grief of losing a friend & brother in a car accident.

St Cwyfans church in the sea (Photo: